“More Time Than Money”


Today I was standing in line at Target (my natural habitat) when an older gentlemen in line mentioned something about how the line was taking forever. I looked up at him and said “Good thing we all have more time than money” he nodded and chuckled. We say this frequently in our house and while its a reminder to be patient it also reminds us that our time is more precious than money.

The first time I ever heard Larry say this I thought “Thats a great way to look at inpatient moments!” If you know Larry you may know his great one-liners and sayings about life. Larry has taught me that time is more precious than any money and spending your time with those you love is invaluable. I could go on for days about what an amazing Papa we have, but I’ll save that for another post.

We are all in such a hurry that we don’t realize the most beautiful moments are passing us by. I hope to teach my child not to rush through life and to really take in life’s little moments. This is why I love photography so much. I get to capture my family, friends and clients in moments that would otherwise be forgotten. The candid, messy moments are the ones I love the best because that is real life.

This weekend I’m going to focus on putting my phone down, soaking up more snuggle time and spending more time in tune with my family.

What are some things that your family says as a reminder to slow down? Comment below to share your ideas or thoughts!

Cheers to the weekend my friends!


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