5 moments moms deserve to celebrate



Moms, we work so hard. Whether you are a stay at home mom or a working mom, you are a superhero. There are small victories we deserve to be celebrating. I’m talking about a dance party, fist pump, La Croix or a glass of wine. You deserve this girl.

1.) Finishing all the laundry

Finishing all the laundry is a miracle that only happens once in a great while in our house. If this is a regular thing in your house, cheers to you! Also, send me your secrets. When this glorious moment happens I make sure to text Billy to let him know (men should know how hard we work, laundry and keeping the kids alive?! Its a serious task people!) and maybe do a dance or two around the house. If this only happens once a year, don’t feel bad. Its an even bigger excuse to celebrate.

2.) When no one complains about dinner

Any other moms sick of their children asking for something else? My son’s go to is jelly sandwiches. Yes sweetheart, after I just spent an hour cooking dinner I would love to slap two pieces of bread together. (Talk about a hair pulling moment) Last night I made chicken tacos and everyone loved them, including my son who had two helpings. This is a rare moment my friends. I may have done a fist pump and danced around the kitchen.

3.) You showered, got dressed and maybe brushed your hair

How many days do you look at the clock and think “It’s lunch time and I’m still not ready” better yet, your hunny comes home from work and your still in sweats with a top knot. (I can’t be the only one) The days you shower, get dressed and brush your hair deserve to be celebrated. DO NOT be ashamed of a selfie to document this glorious moment.

4.) You get the kids to bed at “Bedtime”

Ahhh! The glorious “I have a time for whatever I want” moment. Its seriously hard work getting teeth brushed, jammies on and books read. This right here deserves a celebration of whatever you desire supermom. My preference? I love to read but I’m usually WAY too tired after I get my son to bed. So when I get this moment it usually spent with a cup of tea and a good book.

5.) Date Night

Okay so this one is really a celebration in itself but it oughta happen more often than not. You deserve those nights to dress up in that outfit you’ve been dying to wear and have someone else make you dinner. Guys, if you’re reading this don’t forget your lady needs these kinds of nights with you so make time for these!

We really do deserve an award don’t we?

This Sunday is Mothers Day, soak up the awesomeness of mom life and celebrate!

How do you celebrate mom victories? If you have a mom victory you would like to add to the list, leave a comment!

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