5 books to read this summer

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5 Books to read this Summer!

The dreary weather lately had me spending my spare moments reading, which inspired me to share with you 5 books that I have recently fallen in love with that you should add to your summer reading list. These books are life changing on so many levels.

Donald Miller “Scary Close”

I read this book on my way home from Florida and it completely changed my perspective of relationships. As he says in his book, it’s about dropping the act and finding true intimacy. Donald teaches us to quit pretending to be someone we aren’t and show people who we really are because that is when awesome relationships form. Being real with people is SO much better than pretending we all live this perfect life. Donald writes about being himself no matter what the cost and it’s pretty powerful to read.

Rachel Brathen “Yoga Girl”

I picked up this book while wandering Target. I immediately felt a weight lifted off my shoulders and I knew I had to read all of it. Yoga girl is like a personal yoga class that gives tons of inspiration. I like to pick it up and read a little bit from time to time when I’m feeling down or if I’m struggling with a yoga pose. If you don’t already follow Rachel Brathen on Instagram, I suggest you do.

Cheryl Strayed “Tiny Beautiful Things”

Cheryl Strayed was a self-help columnist for “Dear Sugar” this book is a collection of her writing that she hand-picked. You’re probably thinking “A self-help columnist?!, no thanks Tom Hanks!” But it’s so raw, real and doesn’t sugar coat anything. (no pun intended) She answers questions that all of us have had about life but she also gives a glimpse into her life which makes you feel like you’ve known her for years.

Michael Singer “The Untethered Soul”

This book is INCREDIBLE. If you follow Oprah at all, you know she’s obsessed with Michael Singer. This book walks you through learning how to transform your relationship with yourself and those around you. He teaches about your relationship with your thoughts and emotions to gain a deeper understanding of your sense of self. I know it sounds deep but it’s life changing and you need to read it.

Sophia Amoruso “#GIRLBOSS”

I was walking through an airport this winter when I saw this on the shelf while I was looking for a magazine to read. I have seen this book on Instagram and Facebook so I bought it hoping to learn what all the hype was about. It was incredible. This girl is a powerhouse. She talks about starting her own business and how to be successful. If you’re the entrepreneur type, I suggest this for some advice and empowerment!

These books are incredible and if you are looking for more personal growth, check them out! I’ll post again about books I love that is based on photography for my friends looking to learn more about how to take photos or how to turn their camera on!

Let hope Monday isn’t too hard on any of us!





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