It’s only balloons


It’s no secret that I love a good party. Especially when they involve ample amounts of cake and ice cream. Today we are celebrating Deegan’s 5th birthday because we were gone in Florida over his actual birthday! We are celebrating “Captain Deegan” with a  pirate party. I have also set up a pirate themed photo booth for silly, pirate pictures!

He is so pumped. So much so that he decided to pop all but one of his helium balloons. Apparently dinosaurs and balloons don’t mix. (FYI mamas!) For the moms out there, do you ever want to scream, “WHY?!?” I totally did yesterday. Those darn balloons were a trip to town and cost extra money for the “premium” helium. (Who knew there was such a thing as pricey helium?!) Then I reminded myself, they are stinkin’ balloons! WHO CARES!! No one is going to walk into his party going “So, where are the balloons Kirsten?!”Sometimes as mothers we need to take a step back and look at the whole picture. No it totally wasn’t ideal that his dinosaurs wanted to fight the balloon but it happens when your life is revolved around a little one. Embrace the craziness.

I know we all have these moments of feeling defeated and then feeling like a crappy mom for getting upset. We are human. I wanted to write this post because I just know so many other mamas out there feel the same way. Just know that your not alone in this journey of “WTF’s” and even the brag moments. Take a deep breath mama and remember.. its the big picture. Is this even going to matter in 6 months, a year?? After all, It’s only balloons.




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