I'm Kirsten! Mom, wife and photographer born and raised in the midwest. I'm all about travel, tacos & hanging out with my dogs. 


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This part of the trip was incredible. I am summing it up into one post because I hate to bore you with every minor detail but I’d like to share with you a glimpse on what happened these days. 7 different schools, 54 classrooms and over 1300 children were educated on health topics. Ranging from […]

I am seriously obsessed with learning about history. Take me to a museum and I’ll be content all day. Mayan ruins are fascinating to me. When I was in Mexico I visited a place called Tulum which is a Mayan ruins site along the Gulf of Mexico. So needless to say, I was very excited for […]

The first of the year was mostly a rest day. We worked on our projects and continued with group meetings. A few of us decided to check out the local market. This is where the locals can buy their fruits and vegetables. (The local stores to do sell fresh fruit and vegetables) In the evening […]

    We head out to the villages this weekend. So now is our play time…. Today we took boats out to the Snake Keys which is a group of islands. The water was breathtaking and turquoise. The island was thick jungle with a white sandy beach. When I think of being stranded on an […]

Woah. Here we are waking up in Belize. Can I just say one thing? Thank you God for air conditioning. It is SO HOT here, and wicked humid. I slept great last night which I am so thankful for with our busy day. This morning we had breakfast at a place called “Joyce”. It was […]

Today was the longest day of travel ever.  We had two flights that were 3 hours each. Between flights we had a long layover in Dallas. It was actually a nice break from flying. The landing into Belize City was rough and abrupt. We unloaded the plane outside where we felt the hot and humid […]